Tuesday, December 30, 2014

1 Year blogging!

I can't believe that this time last year I had just set up in my little corner of the internet! Feel free to inset the Happy Birthday song here. 

But yes 1 whole year, at first this was just to share product knowlage for, well mainly my clients as I was constantly asked about make up and beauty products. Being a nail technician / beauty therapist you've got to know you stuff. It was such a big thing for me to do as I read a lot of wonderful blogs all I thought was I would never get any readers, so whilst I was in one of those ahhh just do it moods I created a blog and named it The-Glossary. 
I must say a massive thank you too my blogger buddy and now to someone I call a very good friend Amy over at Haus of Amy. She has helped me massively with how to set up my blog (Yes I am a total grandma on computers!) I literally don't think I could of done it without your help and it's been such great fun having someone to go with to blogging events too! I won't get too soppy on you. 

So much to my surprise, people actually took an interest and commented on the stuff I put on there. Getting 5-10 views a day or sometimes a week or month felt so incredible, now I'm hitting around 800+ views a month feels insane. I think it's crazy that people actually like to read what I write or type even. But it's not just been beauty, I decided to share a little snippet of my day to day life too. I have definitely gone picture crazy on instagram. 

So as I embark on another year I feel more dedicated to blogging, at the start it was a when I could be bothered hobby but I really enjoy writing my ramblings. (So I should say a huge thank you to all the beauty readers all over the world who click on to read. ) And what a fantastic one at that, I've planned our wedding, with a lot of help from the hubby & my parents, been on some fabulous holidays and great adventures and days out with friends! Some of which i have blogged. I will do more next year as if like me you like too see different places through different peoples eyes aka being a nosy bugger.

Next year I do need to sort out a lovely header for my blog, I want to make it look a lot nicer so if you have any suggestions on good companies to do that through hit me up, and actually I am going to spend some more time heading over to other spaces of the net to check out other blogs too.

With the New Year imminatley upon us I've made some New Years resolutions, well I've already started these as most years I don't stick to them if I make them on nye. I have to because it's here for the whole world to see! 
So one that I should do already is just to be happy. I have a happy, healthy, lovely life. Great friends and a wonderful family & husband. What is there to be miserable about? I'm so quick to look at the negative in situations so this year I'm looking for the good, positive in all and everyone.
Secondly I want to start looking after myself more. I am a terrible stresser, I honestly stress over everything! I get stressed about the fact that I'm stressed. Crazy I know! So in aid of de-stressed new me, I am embarking on a yoga journey. I have only ever done yoga once before and really enjoyed it so I don't actually remember why I didn't continue. But at least once a week I'm holding myself to this. So yoga will look after my mind and body, but eating healthy will give me an extra boost too. Come December mine and the hubby's good eating goes out the window, we want quick and sugary which do nothing for your mood, skin or waistline, so a stack of 'healthy living' books are piling up in the kitchen for me to read. 
And finally see, do and blog more. I always put everything and everyone else first so this year I will be doing more if what makes me happy, and no not just shopping and eating chocolate but I'm actually compiling a list of places I'm wanting to visit so stay tuned for a hopefully exciting next year. 

See you on the flip side 

Becky xxx


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