Saturday, August 22, 2015

Arriving in Amsterdam

Amsterdam wasn't somewhere I have been dying to come for years. It was completely out of the blue. One of my late night holiday searches on I found an absolute bargain. £140 each 2 nights in a beautiful 4 star hotel including flights. How could we say no? So 4 weeks later here we are in soggy Amsterdam. Not the weather we were hoping for mid August. So whilst I lie in the big squishy marshmallow of a bed I write this with drops of water trickling down the windows and a look of winter on the other side of the glass.. we won't be in any hurry to sight see today. 
In the mean time I'll fill you in on yesterday. 

A 7am flight to Amsterdam meant we'd have a whole day when we got here to see what we wanted too. I had prepped a little list that was compiled of Internet perusing and blogger chats of places to visit. Is it so terrible I had mainly food places on there? 
We arrived at 9.05 Dutch time and jumped in a taxi straight to the hotel. We are glad we got the taxi, although a little pricy as the train takes you to North Amsterdam where as we were staying in the south. 

A beautiful 4 star hotel just a few minutes walk away from the Rijksmuseum. If you ever go, the South is the best to stay if you want to be out of the hussle and bussle of a busy central Amsterdam. It was around a 20 minute walk to the centre but it was lovely to be able to be out of all the busyness. 

A few minutes down the road were a few things I wanted to see. The Van Gogh Museum was first, after having photos with the tirade of Miffys outside. 

I think he's a bit miffed I didn't get him from his best angle. 

These were so hard to get photos with, it didn't seem to matter what time of day it was there were tourists swarming the bunnies! And wow don't get me started on the I Amsterdam sign in front of the Rijcksmuseum. You couldn't even get a look in there no matter what time of day it was! 

Behind is one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen. The Rijcksmuseum, it's full of wonderful artwork and sculptures but just look at this. The building itself is phenomenal.

Take a peek tomorrow for our second day in Amsterdam. 


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