Monday, August 24, 2015

Wandering in Amsterdam

We decided to just have a wonder when we were in Amsterdam, not really plan anything too much to do but to just stroll around and take in the beautiful sights. As I mentioned breifly yesterday how wonderful the Rijcksmuseum was here's a better look.

This was right in under the belly of the museum with the most beautiful, luscious green gardens surrounding it.

We headed into the Van Gogh museum for a snoop around, just a little heads up, you can buy tickets on a stall right over by the Rijcksmuseum. The queues for the museums were insane, the van gogh went down the side and around the corner of the building. So if you head to buy tickets there's a blue line you go to and you can pretty much walk straight in there. No reason to get wet, cold and miserable for no reason.

There were some beautiful pieces in the museum, the only problem was the ones we loved weren't even Van Gogh's artwork. Whoops. 

Hungry and museum'd out we headed to find lunch. I had read that this was a great lunch spot so I dragged the hubby to seek it out. George W.P.A. 

We had a quick glance through the menu but it was only 11.30am, we were on brunch time. 

I ordered the most sublime eggs benedict. Possibly the best I've ever had, it was egg-cellant!! 
A big squishy brioche bun, ever so slightly toasted in the middle and real crisp on the edges with thin layering a of ham. It actually tasted a little like Parma ham and perfectly poached eggs with the most amazing fluffy, rich hollandaise to top it off.

The hubby plumped straight for croque monsior with a portion of fries, of course he strictly told me his food was off limits. No sharing.. I mean you can see why! Layers of molten cheese pouring out over deliciously toasted, thick cut white bread and ham. 

If your heading out to Amsterdam, put this little restaurant on your 'to visit' list. The staff were incredibly friendly and helpful, plus they serve the whole menu the whole day. You can have pasta or fresh fish for breakfast and a full English at 8pm at night! How prefect that whatever you fancy you can get, so no rush for breakfast. 

After lunch we decided to head a little more central, so brollies at the ready and ill fill you in more tomorrow. 


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