Saturday, October 03, 2015

A Day Date to The Ivy Garden Chelsea

Myself and the hubby work a lot of hours between us, and the past few weeks we've made more of an effort to go off out and do stuff when we have a day off together. 

We both had a a Wednesday off recently so decided to make the most of it and head to the big city... London. 

I'd read so much about The Ivy so we decided to head there. In all honesty we expected a little bit of pretentiousness seeing as it's set in the heart of Chelsea, but we were completely surprised. 

The staff were amazing! 

We were greeted by a gaggle of gorgeous hosts who were very pleasant and took us to our table.

The menu's were great for hiding behind to celeb spot, no such luck for us finding any though.

We started with cocktails which were amazing! Mine was quite fruity and I'm sure some sloe gin was involved and the hubby went for one called Slone Ranger! Both very scrumptious! 
We paird it with a roll of salt crusted sourdough loaf, just yes! If you go, have some! 

I followed with scallops which were lovely,  I never used to be a fan of these but more recently I just love them! They were served with some pink grapefruit which I just couldn't handle.. In all honesty when you eat a bit of everything on the plate together, lovely! But just the pink grapefruit on its own was way too sour for me. 

Tom went for mushrooms on toast, and it was exactly that. Mushrooms in a creamy sauce served with brioche. Too impatient for me to take a good pic I had to snap a quick pic before it was all gone..

We followed it up with salmon and a filet steak. Mine was delicious but the award must go to the steak! Wow, it was the best I've ever tasted.

And now for the big finale.. Something I have wanted to try for a long time. A bomb pudding. If you click here you can find it in all its glory on my Instagram but basically it's a cold chocolate she'll that you pour a warm sauce over and the shell melts leaving behind whatever goodness the chef wants to pop in there. In my case it was a delicious honeycomb icecream and the sauce was a salted caramel. Definitely worth the wait. 

We had a great lunch on our day date and spent that after noon wondering London's high streets and having a cocktail. It was so great to spend some time with the hubby too, and this time next week it will be in Paris with him. I can't wait. 

Becky x


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