Monday, January 19, 2015

Instagram favourites // Fitness & Healthy Food

One i totally love and the other I'm beginning too, I'm sure you can figure out which is which... 

I am a totally foodie, i never had a good relationship with food growing up, i overate then under ate then met my husband... and he LOVES food. I then started to enjoy my food again, eating at nice places and creating new and old recipes when we moved out together. So now I just love it all a little too much. Pizza, chocolate, burgers.. yep all the stuff you shouldn't eat on a daily basis, but as I grow up I'm becoming more aware of what I should be eating and doing.. like more exercise too. 

I'm starting to enjoy that more now as I have found one's that I enjoy. Yoga, Pilates, swimming and the odd run here and there I no longer mind. 

This is where instagram comes in handy, I actually think I follow more fitness/foodie people than I do beauty now. And here are a few I like for inspiration on a Monday morning, when.. well.. like most on a weekend we fall of that wagon and are really struggling to get back on track, these six pacs and delicious bowls of goodness will get me back on track!

Check them out, they might give you that monday morning inspiration to not grab that chocolate bar...

and whilst your there take a peek at mine BILLYGUMBEX  

Becky x

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