Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Smart girls don't strip - Grow Gorgeous

This was a product i was totally sucked into buying by every known blogger buying it - yes, your sponsors work!! 

"Her hair's so big because it's full of secrets!" 

Grow Gorgeous 12 in 1 cleansing conditioner is all about cleansing away any impurities and still allowing all natural goodness from our scalps to be treating our hair. It also conditions, I choose the 12 in 1 with prismatic brunette technology and here's what you can expect from it. 

  • Deep cleansing 
  • Deep conditioning 
  • Hydrated hair and scalp 
  • Added lustre 
  • Added shine 
  • Reduced frizz
  • Soft hair 
  • Lasting smoothness
  • Easier styling 
  • Protective shield
  • Added volume
  • Enhanced brunette tones

There's a lot of science behind this product but to break it down a little this contains no parabens, sulphates or 'bad stuff'. It doesn't foam up like normal shampoo's which I was a little confused about at first, isn't the foaminess meant to give you hair that deep clean? Not necessarily!! This doesn't foam as it leaves all the natural oils in your scalp to keep producing healthy natural hair. 

This is made up from a blend of Macadamia, Jojoba and Olive oils which form the cleansing matrix - ???! - This combined with a cleansing complex binds itself to the impurities in your hair and simply rise away thus leaving the natural healthy oils on our hair... you still with me?!!

So, directions are to use this instead of any other shampoo's and conditioners, massage into your scalp for around 3 minutes and run through to the ends - my hairs pretty long now so this was a little more difficult to do whilst trying not to go to crazy with the amount of product I use. For £20, yes that much!! - this doesn't go far with long hair. 
At first I was using this every day, sparingly but now I try to use it as a once a week clean my hair of all mess and fuss type of product. It's my Sunday shampoo/conditioner. 

I can honestly say I have noticed my hair hair is healthier and shinier, this is due to me not colouring my hair the last few months either! But if I don't blow dry my hair after using this I do get a lot of fly away hair and strangely enough my hair looks greasier sooner too, I know this has got to be just the natural oils hanging around. I can't say it's added volume to my hair but it does seem to be growing quicker and as I said a lot healthier. 

 I have been using this for a couple of months so I think it's fair to say I have given it a pretty fair review, I'm still a little unsure whether I would re-purchase, I may take a peek at any others that are classed as 'hair cleansing' products. If you've got any suggestions pop them below for me, or come find me on twitter or instagram

Thanks for reading 

Becky x

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