Monday, February 16, 2015

It's Pancake day!!

Every year I do the standard run of the mill thin crepe style typically British pancakes. But I am never that keen unless they're drenched in lemon and have a crispy sugar centre. So this year I wanted to make a more american style pancake, fluffy light and stacked up by 6!!! Only trouble is I am trying to steer clear of wheat/gluten, I don't think I have an intolerance but every time I eat it I get a tummy ache or a little heart burn, not a good look!! So I did some googling and found that rice flour is my easier to digest and is gluten free, so here we go...

To serve two...

100g Rice flour
1 Egg
90ml milk
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp baking powder
a drop of vanilla

This is quite a nice thick mixture and cooks really quickly, pop them into the pan and leave around 15/20 seconds. they're so easy to flip and don't stick to the pan if you add a little knob of butter too.

I topped mine with some blueberries, banana and maple syrup.. 

They were really delicious, filling, light and super quick to make. Flipping great!!

Happy Pancake day...

Rebecca x

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