Sunday, April 26, 2015

Great Fosters Surrey

A while back myself and T took a trip to the Lake District. We then decided to take the 5 hour drive from the lakes all the way to Surrey. When we got there we realised it was definitely worth the journey.
This beautiful grade listed building has been home to many including Henry the 8th and has even housed the Beckhams for an overnight stay... And we were lucky enough to stay in their room! 

When we checked in and were given our room key to the Tapestry suite. I wish I had of taken a photo of my hand next to this as it was huge.

This was the beautiful hallway leading to our room, I felt like a real princess staying here.

And welcome to our humble abode for the evening. This has got to be the biggest and grandest room I have ever stayed in. All the pieces hanging on the walls are worth an small fortune.. or to put it in perspective, each one is around the price of a house. Wow...

And with a king size bed, there was no stealing of blankets happening tonight!... this view was right across from our bed.. a floor to ceiling fireplace..

A few minutes after we got into our room, two glasses of champagne arrived. We toasted to a beautiful stay and spending time in great company.

We decided after looking through our iron clad window pane that we needed to go do a little exploring of these beautiful grounds. 

On our walk T took me to see this this piggy..

They are so wonderfully friendly, I mostly think it's because they thought we would be feeding them... greedy....

Great fosters grow and farm most of their foods served here and you can really tell the difference.

If you have a momentous occasion approaching or you fancy a romantic night away, this is the perfect place to rewind, relax and gain a little history of this hotel & grounds.
 Take a look at their website here

Becky x


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