Friday, April 24, 2015

The Botanist

The title of this post makes me feels as if I am about to watch an episode of  "The Blacklist" - if you have no clue what I am talking about, your missing out on Friday nights!!

The Botanist is somewhat of a new haunt to temple street in Birmingham and somewhere I have been wanting to go since it opened. The sign is tiny out front so if your a daydreamer just strolling around, keep your eyes peeled for these gorgeous iron clad railings... I suppose the crowds of people would give it away too...

We started we a bowl of olives to share seeing as either of us couldn't make up our minds on the food. Cocktails were next to choose, they have a fair few but I wanted to go for something I have never tried.. A Rose Sangria! This is a must if your going here... refreshing, light and unfortunately goes down like water! Delicious! The hubby opted for a blueberry, apple cooler. 

As I was trying to be a little healthier I went for the Caesar salad. Baby gem lettuce, chicken, bacon, grated parmesan and finished off with an anchovy based dressing. Perfect for a warm evening.... and possibly a side of cheesy chips. Just in case I wasn't full of course! Just standard slim cut, home made chips... with a big dollop of golden melted cheddar on top. T went for a cheese and bacon beef burger. A yummy choice but slightly overdone, he asked for medium rare and there was no pink in sight. So a heads up, just order rare. Still great food though none the less. 

We decided one more drink wouldn't hurt, so a Rose Mai Tai happened... I love the presentation of the cocktails, unlike none I have seen in Birmingham, and the taste.. this was super sweet but right up my street.

Drinks finished and bellies full we stretched our legs and decided we had a little room for ice cream. When I say we.. I mean me! Joe Delucci's had more that enough to choose from...

 We walked back through Birmingham with my caramel swirled scoop happily headed home. 

 Becky x


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