Friday, May 29, 2015

Rituals Body Scrub

I made the purchase for this quite some time ago now, I think maybe January/February time and I have only just opened it up. Aren't I good?! Well I try not to open too many of the same products all at once and with summer on it's way (squeezing my crossed fingers!!) I wanted to try a coarser scrub as I'll be doing a lot more tanning.

Rituals is a brand I have been wanting to try for some time, so when we headed to Leicester for the day and I spotted a huuugggggee Rituals shop I knew there had to be some sort of purchase made. I honestly could of bought so much but with there prices not being as budget friendly as, lets say Soap & Glory, I just decided on the body scrub. This comes in at £19.50 for a 450g tub.

Giving your body a good scrub has a purifying effect, it also helps to stimulate the energy flow in your body, reduce cellulite and given a smoother more even skin tone. If that's not reason enough to grab one now I don't know what will sway you. 
The Rituals scrubs are all quite grainy so they are intense but your skin will feel super soft afterwards as they leave an oily layer on the skin. Don't get this confused with feeling greasy or icky, you don't!! 

Out of all the products I went for the Sweet Almond and Indian Rose scent. There were just so many it's hard to decide, plus they have great little kits that have four smaller products in to try if you really can't decide. Take a peek here at the whole range.. 



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