Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Vatican City Rome

If you've been to Rome and not been to Vatican City I suggest you book another flight there pronto.. or for the mean time check out this post?

This is going to be another picture heavy post, purely because no words can justify how beautiful this place is.. pictures barely do it justice either, but I gave it a shot! 
Welcome to Vatican City. The only city within a city in the whole world.. even just that is worth going to see isn't it! It sits in 110 acres of walled land and only has a population on around 850 people.
This has got to be one of the most spectacular places I've ever been too with an enormous amount to see and do. We went on a tour and they really were fantastic. Our guides knew so much more than you could ever imagine and every question you asked they knew the answer too. if you want to find them they have an office down by the Colosseum. I can't find the name of the company at the moment but all their staff are English.

Anyhow.. I will show you some pictures inside the Vatican, although in the Sistine Chapel you weren't allowed to take photos. Understandably it is know as the holiest place in the world so they like you to be silent too.   

There will be a lot of ceiling photos as they were all so beautifully decorated. 

As you walk down this corridor, there are maps of Italy painted on the walls. Apparently this is a locals favourite place as they can all find where they live in this part of the Vatican.

We headed outside for a little break and to discuss the Sistine Chapel, obviously the tour guide had so much to tell us about it...

Here's the top of St Peter's Basilica - A Basilica is a Church if you weren't sure.
Before we headed to the Basilica we went on another detour seeing some more of Michelangelo's work.
This painting was actually painted for Michelangelo by another artist, and the man sat at the front in the purple jacket is Michelangelo himself.

I know I have shown so many already but I just need to show you the Basilica... Here we go..

I took this photo just to show the sheer size of the Basilica. 

Every little detail was finished to perfection. This has got to be one of the most amazing places I have ever been to. Completely breathtaking. If we were lucky enough to ever go back, we wouldn't hesitate.


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