Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Heading to central Amsterdam

I left you yesterday when we had just left the best breakfast restaurant in Amsterdam and we were heading towards the centre.

By 1pm we were itching to see more of this beautiful but very gloomy place, but we got a little lost. Thank goodness my hubby has a built in sat nav. He just seemed to know exactly where to go... I mean I didn't mind the stroll to burn off the calories and to play the game of 'which million pound house would you buy?' .. But I was excited to get my first taste of central Amsterdam.

These ones here with they grey/black roofs were the hubby's pick, I just couldn't decide. 
After wandering in the drizzle for a while we found central. 

^ I don't know if you can tell but the house right in the middle of this photo was completely wonky. I was desperate to see if all the rooms were higgledy piggledy.

  No two houses were the same and the architecture was just so incredible. Don't get too distracted though, there are hundreds of bikes whizzing past. They do ring the bells but they don't slow down. I lost count of the amount of times T put his arm out to stop me whilst I was dordealing along taking a million snaps. 

After walking for miles I needed a little sugar fix. I had read Landkroon was pretty darn good and made traditional Dutch treats so I wanted to try one of the famous stroopenwaffle. A thick layer of caramel sandwiched between crispy thin waffles and glazed. 

It was very lovely but you just can't beat good old English desserts. 

We carried on wandering for a couple more hours, through nine streets and more central which I definitely don't think I would re visit but I would love to return to the south again. We finished off with another trip to George W.P.A before jumping on the train back to the airport. 

Tot Gauw Amsterdam! 


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