Sunday, September 06, 2015

Olay cleansing brush

In the cleansing brush world there has been one leader from the very beginning -The clarisonic. But at £120 plus it's a little out of most people's price range. I have been wanting one for a very long time but never bought one as I was never sure id get the most out of it. 
But after a year of the clarisonic being top newer brands have been popping up with similar options to buy which are a lot more purse friendly. 

Enter Olay Regenerist 3 point super clean brush. At £39.99 it's much more affordable and as far as I'm aware it does exactly the same job. 

Now if your new to the cleansing brush, here's the skinny. It really is as simple as it looks to use. You are essentially brushing your face with a super soft toothbrush, a big one at that. 
Cleansing your face with a brush rather than your hands has a huge advantage, it cleans much deeper than you ever could with your normal cleanse or double cleanse routine and it also gives a little exfoliation too.
You don't need to be heading out and buying all new products to go with your new brush, although you can buy them, your usual cleanser will work just fine - so how does it work? 
I always like to do a pre cleanse first, either with my Nivea #magicwater or a facial wipe just to remove my initial layer of make up then a apply a big splodge of cleanser straight onto the brush head. Turn it on and whizz it around your face and neck for about 1 minute, it has two settings but I prefer the faster one as I feel like I'm getting a better cleanse. I then rinse my face with warm water and pat dry. 
Using a cleansing brush will enhance the absorption of your moisturiser so don't forget to apply plenty afterwards.

I have really enjoyed using this cleansing brush, my skin feels and looks softer smoother and more evened out. I'm hoping it will rid some of the hideous blackheads on my nose and chin too with regular use. 


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